Summertime Morning Skincare Routine

Summertime Morning Skincare Routine

The sun is here and we are so ready for it! We all know how important it is to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays, so we're modifying our morning skincare routines to keep our skin healthy and burn-free all summer long!

After washing and toning with our Facial Spritz, apply a layer of our Sun Cream! This thick cream uses Non-Nano Zinc Oxide to block the sun's rays from penetrating your skin, keeping burns and sun damage away! This cream won't clog your pores, so it's definitely safe (and recommended!) for your face!

Next, apply your day Serum! The serum will absorb deep, nourishing and hydrating your skin way below the surface levels. It contains a great dose of Hyaluronic Acid, which helps repair skin damage and prevent future damage from occurring!

Finally, finish off with our new Bronzed Face Oil! This is the same super-hydrating formula in our regular Face Oil, with an added boost of all-natural Mica for a gorgeous, tanned shimmer! It won't dye your skin, so you can wash that bronze off at the end of the day! If you're looking for a more subtle glow, you can customize your look by using half a dose of Bronzed Oil and half a dose of regular Oil!

Gorgeous skin that's protected from sun damage - that's summer goals if you ask us!



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